
but first, let me introduce myself…


A little introduction my name is Lisa.

I’m from the U.K., but moved to Canada (British Columbia to be exact) in 2018 and here I still am!

I’m still figuring things out (as I’m sure we all are) but for some reason, this year, I’m feeling a strong pull to share more about my life. Documenting the little lessons, things I’m exhibiting in terms of mindset shifts, outdoor adventures, and the random musings that cross my mind. With this,

Welcome to ExhibitLisa!

I was planning to go down the YouTube path, but honestly I was finding too many barriers such as thinking; do I have the energy to record this?.. then script writing didn’t feel so great to me, plus EDITING.. WOW who knew it took SO LONG (even if it is fun and rewarding). ALSO I’m very bad at remembering to take pictures and videos.. definitely trying to improve on this!

Anyways, so, here I am blogging. Hopefully less barrier to entry for me to share things. Plus there’s just something about typing out things that feels very therapeutic and open.

For Exhibit Lisa, THINK:

Diary meets reflections, adventure, and a sprinkle of advice.

So, kind of like a journal for you and me both. I’m planning to share; where I’ve been, the mindset that got me there (that will hopefully help some readers too), where I’m going and what I am up to!

To be honest, I have SO MANY ideas!! From mindset breakthroughs to outdoor adventures, to just navigating life, there’s no shortage of things I want to explore and share.

This is most probably not a conventional blog at all.

I definitely don’t it all figured out just yet, but I’m embracing that the only way to start is… well, to just start.

So here I am, starting!

I’m excited to take you along on this journey, to reflect on life things, share what I’m learning, and hopefully offer some insights that might resonate with you, too.

Let’s have some fun! 🙂

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