• frog, nature, figure, files, stack, pile of files, office, decoration, green, animal, fun, cute, ceramic, calculator, office work, work, stress, frog, frog, frog, frog, files, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress

    work all the hours!!

    ah, the age old comment I hear over and over and over and over…. It is culture in my line of work to work so much overtime, or have many jobs. Honestly it is such a blessing to have that option. I even had someone say to me the other day ‘it’s grind time, you better be working all the hours’. Now, of course this sounds super appealing, right… all those extra $$$ (dollars)! I am like OOOH YES let’s stack the ole bank account. But honestly, the job is so taxing for my mind, body and spirit anyway with just regular hours. Any extra hours well…. I do get…

  • welcome - open
    evolve,  exhibit

    realizing i am an open person and what i’ve learnt so far…

    Something I think about a lot is how people for some reason feel very happy to share so many things about themselves with me. For me, I’ve always thought ‘oh I just ask ‘good’ questions that make them open up, which I do think is a part of it, BUT… I’ve had a few instances recently where I barely ask anything at all and I get told so so much. Which makes me think, I must be an open person for people to share these things! Story time The moment it kind of clicked for me is I recently went on a trip. On the flight I had a lady…

  • musings

    but first, let me introduce myself…

    Hello. A little introduction my name is Lisa. I’m from the U.K., but moved to Canada (British Columbia to be exact) in 2018 and here I still am! I’m still figuring things out (as I’m sure we all are) but for some reason, this year, I’m feeling a strong pull to share more about my life. Documenting the little lessons, things I’m exhibiting in terms of mindset shifts, outdoor adventures, and the random musings that cross my mind. With this, Welcome to ExhibitLisa! I was planning to go down the YouTube path, but honestly I was finding too many barriers such as thinking; do I have the energy to record…